Wednesday, December 06, 2006

if it takes a lifetime...

I talked to my niece tonight on the phone and she told me about a Christmas party she had been at and a gift she had gotten there and how she could even braid this doll’s hair and everything. And she sounded so excited about it I genuinely got excited about it an told her that I couldn’t wait to see her doll. And without skipping a beat, she said to me, “We can’t wait to see YOU Auntie Bri”.
Exactly a month from today I will step off the plane in Calgary. And though I’m not quite in “countdown mode” quite yet, that’s 31 sleeps! 31 sleeps until I get to hug them and see that doll in person!


Jane said...

Bri, I'm so excited for you. Its hard to believe that time passes so quickly. Please tell me, though, I hope this doesn't mean your blog-life will be ending! I so enjoy reading your thoughts.
Just sitting on my futon at the moment, catching up on emails.
Futon, ahhhh - your right, the very word "futon" does have a calming effect.

bri said...

first of all, i am addicted to blogging now, so when i have regular internet connection I imagine it will only get worse, plus, I will still be reading your blog regularly so I'll use reading yours as a catalyst for inspiring me to continue with mine!

SO jealous of your futon