Monday, March 05, 2007

I know more of the stars and sea, than i do of what's in your head...

I've taken to driving around in my car with the music unacceptably loud. And lately, all I listen to is Snow Patrol. I was thinking today though, of how I love the way you progress through an album. I bought Snow Patrol because I loved "Chasing Cars" and "Hands Open" and so when I first bought it, I listened to those two tracks non-stop. Then I kind of got a little sick of them and let the cd run its course. And suddenly, one I didn't expect caught my ear..."Shut Your Eyes". Its not a standout on the album, kind of subtly stellar, but I began to find myself always searching for song #4 for a few days. Then you have those songs you skip over. The ones that are too slow, too boring, nothing flashy or catchy about them you don't think. But one day, you forget to press that repeat button and you find yourself on song #8..."Set Fire to the Third Bar". And you realize that this is the heart of the album and you can't listen to it without feeling like your soul is being ripped apart. And then, when you thought you were all done with it, you turn a corner and hear #10..."Open your Eyes" and you're blown away. The strings and the claustorphobic intro and the build up to that moment that moment at the 3:54 minute mark where it explodes and releases everything inside of you! And just then, just when you thought it was complete, the cathartic moment exhausted, you run into #5..."It's Beginning to Get to Me", and you realize there is so much more mystery lying inside of it and you need to go over it all again to catch whatever it was you may have missed.

I love music.


Sameer Vasta said...

Definitely one of my favorite albums of the year. I thought Snow Patrol's Final Straw was fantastic, but they've really outdone themselves with Eyes Open. And like the sap that I am, I absolutely adore "Set the Fire to the Third Bar" and "You Could Be Happy."

Anonymous said...


i just wanted to mention that i was really happy to read on jane's blog that you check your e-mail, like, 7 or 8 times a day. someone to join the ranks of internet loserdom with me.

let's hang out! i will be home in exactly one month!

Anonymous said...

Hey! I check my e-mail MORE than 7-8 times a day!
And usually there is nothing but memos from the admin.
Talk about loserdom. I totally live there.

Anonymous said...

i have been doing that with the CD you mailed me. seriously. i love it. i heart it.

Anonymous said...

Bri - this is totally unrelated to your post actually. i don't actually like snow patrol so that's the only related thing. anyways - i got the b-day card from you, L & J, it's so nice and thoughtful. You guys rock! i miss y'all lots :)
