Saturday, March 31, 2007

I ran to the window, threw my head to the sky...

I've been listening to "Calendar Girl" by the Stars on repeat for the past 3 days. I remember hearing it first back last September when they played at Dinwoodie, but had forgotten about it. This weekend I stumbled upon it again and it swept me away. I know I tend to write a lot about music in this blog, but this song is something else.

I was in Safeway today and walked aimlessly into this aisle of "seasonal" products. I wouldn't say that I think about the Easter season a whole lot to be honest, but there I stood, soup in one hand raisin bread in the other, just staring at this seemingly never ending aisle of easter candy. chocolate eggs and bunnies and chickens and flowers. I don't know what it was about today - the store, the merchandise, the cold snow flying outside, but I just couldn't move. I stood there without thinking, without moving, without anything...just staring. And my head replayed over and over again..."calendar girl, who's in love with the world, stay alive...calendar girl, who is lost to the world, stay alive..."

I don't know exactly what it is I'm trying to explain by all this. It doesn't make much sense I realize, but it just stuck with me today. I think it will last longer than just today...I mean, its not everyday you're paralyzed by an entire aisle of candy with a broken record in your mind.


Anonymous said...

keep writing about music! i for one particularly enjoy it and enjoyed this immensely.

in this age of iPods and playlists, it can be really easy for me to slip into the routine of only listening to my own private music, and missing out on the random association of life's passing with random lyrics.

though, that stars song is killer. killer!

hey, randomly, are you coming to battle of the bands? i am playing some songs.

Jane said...

i miss you too, Bri. Soon, very soon...

Anonymous said...

dear bri:

"on your side" by pete yorn does that to me. so does "calendar girl". go figure. broken records show up in the strangest places.

Heather Ann said...

I am so glad I stumbled upon your blog! You are an excellent writer and seem to capture my own thoughts in better words!