Friday, August 31, 2007

if you want your things, they're on the front step...

I am moving. I hate moving. All the boxes and organizing and collection of your life into compartments and fitting them into vehicles to be transported across the city. But there is something exciting about this move for me. I already love the house and I know one of my two roommates very well, and the location is perfect. Kind of like the country inside the city. If you saw the place you'd know what I mean. There is something calming about the place itself. I feel myself relax when i walk up to the door. I have loved other places I have lived and other roommates, but for the past four months, I've been living in a state of transition. Living out of boxes and my car and a tent in the backyard. I have really enjoyed the summer, but at the same time, this house, this place, has not been a place of shelter and peace for me. For most of the summer it has been Jamie and myself in the house and for the past few weeks, well, more like the past two months, I've been living in a tent in the backyard and she's been sleeping on the couch. I think that this is an interesting phenomenon. I was thinking about it on my way into work this morning and I think for both of us, we've been having a hard time finding our own "space" this summer. Sure we both have rooms inside the house, but neither of us choose to use them. I think this says a lot about what is going on subconsciously. Now both of us are packing to move to places that we already love and are excited to be in and that makes me very happy because it is much needed. I know I'm not explaining this very well, but when I looked at my new room last night I thought about what will all happen to me there. How many phone calls to loved ones, how many nights spent writing and photographing, how many of my cries and laughs will these new walls hear. It is a beautiful thing to be moving into shelter. I am excited.

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