Sunday, September 09, 2007

i know you've come to take my toys away...

This blog post is for karen...who recently confessed to me how many times she checks my blog for something new. So here is something new.

While I was moving last week, I received these fantastic wine crates from my friend Dawn. They are beautiful and cedar and the perfect shelving for me. They now house my books, my mom's canning, my videos and cds, photos of my friends who are far from me right now, a 100 year old flask and a clay plate. There is still room for so much more. I wonder, as I sit in my new room in the glorious morning sunshine, what I will experience here. What I will cry about, laugh over, be witness to, get angry about, fall in love with, while I live in this room, in this house? There is so much potential I don't know what to do with it. And when I wake up in the morning -even though I may be going to the same job, in the same familiar clothes, talking with the same people- I can't help but think about how this day is brand new. It's nice to be reminded of that. Not just to know that something new could be around the corner, but to wake up and feel that potential as an energy inside you. As a newness about yourself.

I like living here,

that's all.


Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

i still haven't seen your room : (

i love this post and have been having similar feelings as of late.

LindsayAnne said...

nice, i like your post