Saturday, September 15, 2007

Like a warm drink it seeps into my soul...

Today I was in second cup, as per usual, and i noticed they put out their fall drink specials. Which kind of made me laugh. I mean, i know it is only a few days into september, but I feel as though it has been fall for a while now. Each day I wake up for work, the sky is darker and at the end of this last week, I still felt the chill of night as I walked down my front steps.
What really gets me though, is the changing colors. Well, edmonton isn't really known to be the most colorful fall city. Its no Ottawa or Halifax, but I've been cutting grass in the same places every week for the past 5 months and I've been watching it happen. The bushes turning from lush spring neon to deep rich summer green to the yellows and reds and oranges that are coming out now. Whatever else this job has been, it has been good for me to watch this season. Last year this time, life was moving so fast for me I hardly noticed any of this at all. But this time around, I've almost been forced to. Forced to slow down. Confronted with the signs of the season changing all day long. I feel like I've become a part of this change around me. I feel it inside me. Slowing down, thinking, listening, prioritizing. I am making a study of myself. What I want to know about me. What I want to uncover, what i want to keep hidden. I feel as though I'm not moving into a new phase of my life, but rather, my body is simply catching to where my mind and soul have been for some time now.

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