Tuesday, October 10, 2006

viva el tango...

My computer and I have a relationship. His name is Romero and he listens to me. He actually does for those of you who don't know. I can say "Romero, do such and such" and he responds to my voice and does it! Its a wonderful thing these Macs. There's this little mic icon on my desktop that has his name on it and it monitors me all the time...it monitors my voice and all the sounds around me waiting to recognize and respond to a command from me. The little guy even monitors the volume of things around him. The little bars light up green to orange to red depending on how loud I'm speaking.
I feel like I have become a bit of a human Romero. I sit and listen to everything going on - most of it in a language I don't understand - just waiting in case I am being spoken to in English and required to respond. I thought at first, to give it a nice ring, I was continually involved in being an active listener. Unfortunately, I have not been able to convince myself. I am a Romero that sits inanimately monitoring the volume of speech around me waiting to get the English cue to speak or to actually pay attention to what is being said. It is an exhausting position to be in and it is wearing on me.
Now I just wait for my name to be said before I pay attention because really, the more tired I become, the more I can't differentiate between Bangla and Banglish (which is what I call the very special brand of "English" spoken here). What makes it a little more tricky is that my name seems to be particularly difficult to pronounce here...so I'm often called "biryani" (beer-ee-ann-ee) which I'm told is a kind or red rice usually only eaten at parties.
That being said, this red rice girl is checking out for the evening to go watch a much deserved mindless DVD at my flat after a much needed ice cold shower.

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