Wednesday, November 29, 2006

just shut your eyes, its not happening...

As an inspiration from Bethany's blog, I am writing my own list of things I really like that you might not have expected (sorry for two entries in a row involving lists)...

1. Listening to Ricky Martin music
2. Smoothing a perfectly folded t-shirt
3. Having a random assortment of earth-toned hairbands on my wrist
4. Carrying empty hot beverage mugs to the sink
5. Putting my thumb through my belt loop
6. Slipping my feet across snow-free ice
7. Plaid...i really like plaid...and not the trendy plaid, but the real, farmer/construction worker blue/red/grey tone plaid
8. Siting on high perches
9. Holding the straps of a backpack
10. Saying the word "futon"


Anonymous said... like Ricky Martin music? since 1997 or recently? I'm judging you. hehe. miss ya lots


Jacinda said...

very interesting Bri, i too keep earthtones hairbands on my wrist, enjoy the snow-free ice, and like sitting on high perches! I never knew.


Anonymous said...


bri said...

have you listened to Ricky Martin's spanish music? I didn't think so. So judge away!

Jane said...

Yeah for FUTON. I love the FUTON. I futon-it-up everynight. Once you've tried the futon - you never go back.
I'm so glad its apart of your vocab. You have inspired me to make a list of my own!

Anonymous said...

Ohh the Spanish Ricky Martin! i totally thought you meant the "shake your bon-bon" and "living la vida loca" stuff. I bet you secretly like that too and especially that guy who sang the really terrible "shake your bon-bon" from American Idol. Oh yes - I know your secrets Bri
