Monday, February 12, 2007

it's hard to argue when, you won't stop making sense...

So it's February 12 at 9:30pm and I have 3 hours worth of midterms tomorrow which I have yet to study for and instead I find myself on blogger or flickr or e-mail...really doing anything BUT studying. Not for lack of motivation or interest - I'm quite excited about most my classes this semester. But I guess its a different kind of "putting off". I know you should "never say never" but there's a very good chance that these will be the last midterms of my undergraduate experience. Which just adds to the constant, unspoken pressure of "what are you doing with your life"??? In 13 days, I turn 22. In 2 months I finish my undergrad (most likely, unless I try to come back for another round...again). In 3 months, I get kicked out of the house that has been my home for the past 2 years....and I find myself putting off studying for my midterms in the hopes that procrastinating here, tonight, in this moment will somehow slow down a life that seems to be flying past me out of control.


Jane said...

If only we call could slow down time. Somehow make it all stop. Then mayble life would give us some grace. Transition. Its the hardest thing, and the most wonderful thing we go through. Procrastinate all you want. Its a beautiful thing.

Jacinda said...

i hear you. loud and clear. sometimes i think if i close my eyes, life will slow down. Is that somwhow linked to object permanence theory? That if i cant see the world, it dosent exist for a moment, and i can be still, suspended in time with no concequence?