Wednesday, March 14, 2007

under and old street light, so sincere, singin' silent night...

When I was about 6 or 7 years old, I used to know all the lyric to "Gangsta's Paradise". A bit disturbing...perhaps. Impressive...definitely. Today it popped up in random play on my iTunes while I was sitting in the sun reading The Catcher in the Rye on my front step. And I sang (or should I say rapped) along. Every word.
My roommates tell me I have an extraordinary memory, and though I've never really thought of possessing such a thing, I do sometimes surprise myself with what I can remember when other people forget. Restaurants, songs, snow days, assignments, campers, classmates, etc, etc.
I can't often remember what I was doing 10 minutes ago, but ask me if I went to the Christmas banquet dance five years ago and I can tell you what it looked like, tasted like, what music they played, the color of roses Andrea got from Ben, what my favorite song was at the dance and the kind of shoe I found in the hallway later that night. It's so strange how memory works sometimes.


Jane said...

what did i have for breakfast this morning? hmm....

Anonymous said...

in junior high, my friend angelica wore the same white t-shirt with a sunflower on it to every dance in grade 7 except for the last one, for which she wore black...that last dance was also the first time she wore lipstick.