Friday, May 25, 2007

I kept quiet so you'd think my heart was tough...

I spend most my days lately with some sort of lawn mowing device, headphones and my own mind. I was thinking today about how I can't really say that I think a lot while I'm at work. I mostly just listen to music, watch the height of the blade, avoid rocks, gravel and hidden ruts, sleep in the truck or lay on the grass in the sun during lunch, listen to more music, go home, snack on something, go to bed, wake up and do it all over again. The thing is, I can't really say I've been thinking a whole lot in the past while. Usually my mind races so fast that I can hardly keep up with it, and not that it has stopped doing so, but I've found that nothing its rambling on about inside my head is really compelling or interesting or of great importance. Maybe that's it maybe I'm realizing that it never was all these things. I don't know yet. I'm still thinking on I guess I am thinking every once in a while these days!


Anonymous said...

hey bri,

sounds like you might need some new music for ipod?

you could also try podcasts; as geeky as they sound they're pretty stimulating. err, at least that's what i hear.

Anonymous said...

i declare that it's your ipod that is preventing you from feeling like you are thinking about stuff. give it up for a couple of hours and see what happens.

i gave up listening to music in the car for lent one year and oh boy what a month that was.