Tuesday, May 29, 2007

usually when things has gone this far, people tend to disappear...

Someone involved in "Jacob's Well" (http://jacobswell.ca/) in vancouver came to talk at the Mustard Seed here in Edmonton. My roommate happens to work there and passed this on to me. I am still thinking through what she means by some of these claims, but I think she's on to something here. Something very worth thinking about:

1. Justice embodies mercy, but mercy does not encompass justice

2. The biblical mandate is that we love others, not save others

3. Intervention=mercy; Prevention=justice

4. The Year of Jubilee should be the governing principles of church embodied justice

5. The church has abdicated her responsibility for the marginalized by paying taxes to the government and thinking that's enough

6. Justice cannot be relegated to a department of the church but rather should be the function of everyone who claims to follow the way of Christ

7. Guilt massaging does not satisfy the poor or the heart of God for the poor

8. The kingdom of God cannot be confined to a program

9. True Christianity always includes care for the marginalized

10. Serving the marginalized is not a special calling or gifting for some Christians, it is God's requirement for all his people

11. God calls us to participate actively in the redemption of all of His creation which includes care for the earth and all that is in it

12. Culturally implicated understanding of spiritual gifts lead people to think in hyper-spiritual terms and in personal benefit/consumptive ways

13. The gospel is way more that Jesus dying for our sins

14. The church has predominantly taugh both verbally and in praxis that it's your church participation that matters to God, not your participation in the world

15. The enlightment led us to individualism that is rampant in the church and completely contrary to the Kingdom of God

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that was too much for me to read right now (my eyes are killing because of allergies).


i like jacob's well. a lot.