Friday, June 29, 2007

how do you dream when you can't fall asleep...

There are some moments that I am struck so forcefully by the need to write that I can't think about anything than what I would put down on paper. How I would say it. Why. To whom I would be writing. But usually those moments happen when I am riding a lawn mower, or having a drink in a pub with friends, or in the middle of yoga. And so often I return home, continue with the normalities of day to day life and forget about them. Today is one of those days. This week I've felt the insatiable need to write more than usual, but every single time I am unable to grasp the opportunity to its fullest potential. It makes me dream that this week would have been a very productive week for me if I were to quit everything and become a writer right now. Who knows...perhaps the world has missed out on a great work of our age because I am choosing to landscape this summer.

But how does one live through not so productive weeks when you're a writer? Or a photographer for that matter? How do you decide to jump in over your head into a life, a career that you may or may not drown in?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am scared to drown.