Sunday, July 08, 2007

There's a perfume burning in the air, bits of beauty everywhere...

Two great moments this weekend. First, I was talking with Jamie about life and other things. I got to thinking about how I used to think that I had to always be following where god wanted me to be. Always worried if this next decision will steer me off the path that has been laid for me. More and more though I've let go of that idea. I had a moment this weekend where I finally came around to completely, 100% feel comfortable in a theory that has been flying around in my head for the past few years...if you do what you love and make your own path, God will follow.

Another great moment this weekend...

I was playing in the backyard with my nephew this weekend and he says to me, "Auntie Bri, all over the world people speak a different language, right? But they all have the same laugh"


Anonymous said...

indeed...indeed we all have the same laugh. he is a very wise boy, your nephew.

Sameer Vasta said...

Your nephew just made my day. I'm linking to that quote on, I hope you don't mind.

cayliedawn said...

i've been using the words/phrases "listen" and "prone to wander" to express the same thing you just said. like, know God by being yourself fully.