Friday, September 21, 2007

nothing is like it seems turn my grief to grace...

I'm going to a Tibetan craft sale today and I've been trying my hardest not to put too much pressure on it because I have to be realistic and know that it will not be the same as spending an afternoon with Tibetan refugees on the shores of Lake Phewa Tal in Nepal.
A year ago tomorrow, I got on a plane to Bangladesh, not having any idea what I was going to do, where i was going to live, how it would all turn out. And thinking back on it now, it seems like a lifetime has happened between then and now. I have seen some of the most beautiful places in the world and in the same breath, have been confronted by the most difficult, poverty and disease stricken places in the world. But it's not just about where I've been. What I've seen and experienced has deeply effected me over the past 12 months. I have have been surprised and delighted in the resilience of my spirit and in the power my mind has to notice and appreciate beauty, but I also have been to some of the darkest places i ever feared existed inside of me. When I think about it, this past year has been such a journey both around the world and inside myself, but it is only the beginning. I feel like I have spent so many years waiting in the airport for my journey to begin. Waiting as my foundations and character have been building. Waiting for the right moment to walk through the gate, and somewhere along the way this past year, without even really realizing it, I have already moved beyond the first leg of my journey. I can only sit here and wonder now about what I will have to say a year from today. What I will have experienced, how I will have transformed and changed.
I am full of anticipation.

1 comment:

Katelyn said...

what you did a year ago is so amazing in my eyes. i only wihs i had the courage to go somewhere and not know what was going to happen, and accept it and thrive in it. i am looking to go to ehtiopia in march..for a week. would you be interested?