Sunday, October 07, 2007

with your eyes closed, close your eyes...

If you own the Amelie soundtrack, please turn it on and put track 4 on repeat to provide a background to this blog post...

Things I have seen while driving this thanksgiving weekend:

...a line of bare trees so full of tiny birds that they looked as though they were covered with leaves

...a full grown moose breathing wisps of heavy steam into crisp autumn air

...rooftops dusted with snow

...the night sky devoid of any light pollution for 20 miles in a park tossing piles of yellow leaves into the air

...dust clouds swirling off gravel roads behind my tires and high into the air

...trees bent almost horizontal with wind

...white-blue factory smoke at dusk

...the streaking lights of highway traffic in the dark

...the vast emptiness of fallow land against the long blue horizon


Patrick said...


Anonymous said...

would you rather see all of these things in the contsant dark, or the light?

kidding. sort of. haha.

i like you a lot.
