Wednesday, November 28, 2007

the damage and ruin, man the things that we're doing...

I've decided to make myself take photos every morning this week. Now, anyone who knows me knows that this isn't a hardship I've put on myself, but its more tricky than you might imagine. Monday was all well and fine, I woke up inspired. Tuesday I went out for breakfast in a beautiful light, so that wasn't too hard either. But this morning I woke up, laid in bed and had to spend some time thinking about what I would shoot. I don't know how it came out. Not as good as the first two days, thats for sure, but I'm trying to train myself to shoot under pressure. To be inspired by something mundane and ordinary, when all I really want to do is watch another episode of TinTin and put my hair up. I want to learn how to notice the everyday morning sun creeping along my wall, my tipped over books and the ice on my window as moments of photographic inspiration. My motivation in this is two-fold. First of all, if I can create moving images from everyday things, then it only follows that when I am confronted with something of unusual beauty, I should be that much better prepared to capture it. Also though, I've lately been compelled to believe that there is great beauty in living a life that takes special notice of what is around you. I think that some people are called to perform acts of great, global significance in their life, but I don't think I am one of them. I think I am intended to live a life of intentional attention and awareness to what surrounds me, and I am content with that.

well, mostly content.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

beautiful light?...don't you mean "out for breakfast with beautiful roomates"?