Tuesday, November 13, 2007

instrumental interlude...

You know that moment in "Roman Holiday" where Gregory Peck is walking out of that gorgeous hall after the press conference and all you hear is his feet on the marble floor, and then just as he reaches the pillars at the end, the music comes in? You know that moment? Or that one in Napoleon Dynamite, right at the end, when Pedro has won the election and is cutting the cake with his whole family and there's no dialogue, just that music? Or how the guy in The Life Aquatic just sits and plays his guitar on the boat most the time while the movie goes on around him? Lately I've been thinking about how great it would be to be the person who decides...yes! that is the song for that moment. I have this habit that when I listen to music, when I hear a song, I think about where it could be used...for what kind of event...for what specific moment in life. Lately, this habit has gotten so intense that sometimes when I hear a song that I just KNOW is perfect for whatever moment, I can't get it out of my head. Today it has been "Si, Paloma" by Sun Kil Moon (a band I picked up in Bangladesh of all places).
I wonder what kind of training you would need to do that for a job.


Joel Kelly said...

possibly relevant?

Anonymous said...

that would be an amazingly satisfying job.