Sunday, November 18, 2007

tear men down like Roger Moore...

I'm wearing a dirty shirt today. Its a hoodie actually. A gray one. The edges are a little dark, and there's a spot of icing sugar on the right pocket. I'll be wearing my puffy brown vest over it later today when I go out to meet Jamie, but the truth is, I kind of like wearing clothes that are a little "lived in". Especially this gray hoodie. The sleeves are too short and I bought it for about $10 a few years ago, but I love it. Today will be a good day. It is always a good day when I wear it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i love that hoodie. no matter how long you wear it, or how many people wear it, it always smells sort of good.

i say that in the least creepy way imaginable.
