Monday, January 21, 2008

between the bars...

Job searching is one of my least favorite things to do in life. It just always remindes me that I don't like working. Well, at least not for someone else on an hourly wage. Mostly I hate job searching because you spend 1.5 hours on looking just right for the first impression, and the whole of the interview only takes 15 or less minutes. And most of that time is spent with the interviewer trying to judge whether you're good enough for them. And either they decide that yes, with a lot of work, you might be able to work out, or they tell you you're not good enough. Either way, it often feels like they're trying to justify why you're taking time out of their day to make them judge you....which only makes me wonder why exactly I am doing it too. And then I look at my bank account.

I think I could be really good at being independently wealthy.

1 comment:

daisies said...

oh my gosh ... i would be so great at being independently wealthy and i have a job and still i look at my bank account and wince ...

good luck with the search!