Tuesday, January 01, 2008

deep sea eyes, porcelain skin, love's sweetness and then boxing rings, It's late night heading into morning...

It is 44 minutes into 2008 as I write this and I am thinking about the past few days. Mostly, strangely enough, I am thinking about Canada and how much I love this country. I have just returned from a trip to Vancouver Island and in the past few days I have experienced some moments of incredible, intense beauty. I can't put them into logical order, so I will list them instead...

Flying over the Rocky Mountains and remembering how stunning they are.

Standing alone outside in the wind during a wedding dance listening to Fix You by Coldplay. My giant hood on with strands of my hair flying in front of my face, being tugged at by a winter storm on the ocean.

Reading Hafiz poetry

Photographing the inner harbour in Victoria all lit up at night, the rain just misting down around me with friends I have not seen in a long while.

Watching a poorly directed chickflick movie and making a late night burger run with my oldest sister.

Watching seagulls follow the ferry, catching chips in mid-air and diving into the boat's wake to pull snacks from the water.

Skidding across black ice in my runners on a street in Victoria in the early morning hours.

The marriage of two good friends.

Peeling and sharing a Christmas orange with my nephew while reading a good book.

Driving south in Alberta, seeing flat prairie fields, coulees, foothills and mountains all at once out my passenger window.


Jane said...

i love those moments. you articulate them so eloquently.

Jane said...

ok - I'm just going to write that again:

i love those moments. you articulate them so eloquently.