Monday, January 07, 2008

One, two, three, four, five, six, nine and ten...

This morning, after 17 days of traveling around for the holidays, I woke up in my room in Edmonton. It is the first time in two weeks that I woke up without feeling sick. And despite the fact that it is 20 degrees colder this morning than the +7 I woke up to on Friday at the farm, it feels good to be in my own space again.

And mom, I know you're reading this, and this is not saying I didn't enjoy my time at home because I did and its always good to be back on the farm and in that southern alberta wind that I love so much.

However, even though I have very little groceries, lots of unpacking, little money and lots of job hunting to deal with, it feels good to sleep in my bed on the floor and wake up under my still living Christmas tree.

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