Sunday, September 24, 2006

if you're going to San Fransisco...

So it begins. Well my friends, as some of you may know by now, I am lucky to be writing this blog entry. On may way from Edmonton to my farm on Friday, I got into a bit of an accident. I’m including some pictures both here and on Flickr of my beloved car. Long story short, I rolled my sweet bronze baby coming around a curve in the road south of Brooks and no longer have a car. In fact, I am more than lucky to be alive. Those who saw the scene of the accident couldn’t believe I managed to crawl out the back window and up the ditch. The truth is, despite the twisted appearance of my car, I myself, sustained very little injury. Other than a cut on my wrist from the glass and a skinned and bruised knee, I am fine. No stiffness, no soreness. I can’t believe it really. So to sum up that un-needed adventure, I guess I am living more simply when I return in the winter. Enough of reading about those who are eco-friendly, I will take up the challenge myself – walking, biking, running, I am up for it all...okay, maybe not the running.

Well, that being done, I am writing this while I wait for my flight to Singapore, and other than an unfriendly flight attendant who told me I was not allowed on the plane in a slight misunderstanding, the day has been a bit uneventful. Well, other than the fact that I am beginning my journey to Bangladesh today. I hope you all are well and I miss you already as I have nothing else to distract me from my thoughts of what’s ahead and what I’m leaving behind.



Nathan said...

Wow. I'm speachless. Thank God you're alright. I'll keep you in my prayers. Car accidents suck, hey?


KDees said...

I can't believe this has happened to you!! And, that you're ok!! You must have a guardian angel! Good luck in Bangladesh and I know that we'll hear all about your adventures through your blog or through your loving sister, Pam! Be safe and have fun using that fancy camera and laptop! I'm jealous!
