Wednesday, January 24, 2007

I can take my first steps as a child of twenty-five...

I just got cut off from chatting to Osaka and my 1/4 good, mostly bad day has gotten worse. It all started with my second shift at work where I conviced everyone I work with and everyone in the cafe that I am an incompetent fool. Dropping things, forgetting things, breaking things, getting covered in know, the usual. Things just progressed from, "oh, everyone has done that once or twice" to "don't worry about it, its not really a big deal" to "hey, would you like to go home early today?" To which the answer was a resounding YES! I have no idea what was up with me, but it was not a good start to my job. I don't like to dwell on all the things that go wrong with me though because i keep telling myself I am a resilient and strong and clever person who can handle life. I believe that the more I tell myself that, if I keep it constantly in my head as a mantra, one of these days I will wake up and become it. And as a step towards that day, let me list a few great things that happened to me today...

- I got my hair cut by my friend Krystal and its SO soft right now I can't help but run my fingers through it obsessively
- I was given a great book of John Donne's collected works from Dr. Arlette Zinck, who always manages to make me feel like my education is worth something and my passions are leading somewhere great
- I ate some fantastic chocolate with Dawn Stiles-Oldring who also manages to make me feel like I'm not as crazy as I think I am
- I got to chat with Jane in Japan who I just love...absolutely, unashamedly love
- I went skating at night with a bunch of my friends who I really like and I took some photos and enjoyed the beauty of a relatively warm winter evening

And now as I sit with a cup of hot apple cider and think about meeting up with Beth and Joel and Mel for a quick pint...I think that I'd had a pretty good day.


Kathlyn D said...

i LOVE alice munro. and you are rockin. i looked at some of your pictures and they are uber-cool.
you are a talented girl!

oh. i have bragging rights, i think, but they are minor. a paper i wrote is going to be published! woo hoo! but i must admit also, no one reads the magazine.

but i miss you sitting next to me in band. it has been more than 4 years.
can. you. believe. it?

Jane said...

it was good to actually hear your voice, friend. i'm sorry we were cut off. i can't wait to talk again sometime. maybe SKYPE will choose to agree with us.