Today I was sitting at my desk, in my newly cleaned room, listening in Imogen Heap and acting as though I was engrossed in my research of the social issues of reproductive technology, but my mind was on other things. I was at Amy's stagette this weekend and it was a great time. I got to hang out with Amy, who I haven't seen since I've been back, and more than that, with her wedding only 5 weeks away, I got caught up in all the excitment of dresses and rings and flowers. As I sat there, staring over the top of my book, I realized that I only have two pictures on my desk. One of Amy and myself and one of Cait and myself. And now, both of them are getting married within a couple of months of each other. I couldn't help but think about how exciting and scary and fantastic their lives are right now. And I surprised myself. Rather than looking at those pictures and worrying about how our relationship will change with their marriages or about my own romantic situation or whether or not they're too young (mostly because I feel much too young for such a step), I was incredibly, overwhelmingly happy for them. In some ways, it's crazy to think that only a few years ago, when those pictures were taken, none of us were even close to thinking about marriage. And now I have two bridesmaid dresses to be fitted for, I'm spending phone calls talking about who will be invited and who won't, what music should be played, looking at rings and planning pre-wedding parties. And to be honest, I'm loving it. I've never been one to enjoy weddings before, but this time around, its a different story.
**This is one of those post that is mostly writing to remind myself of, sorry for those of you wedding haters out there reading this, but maybe one day...sooner than you might imagine, you'll get a call and suddenly all the people in the pictures on your desk will be getting married. And things will change.