Thursday, March 01, 2007

and the canterbury tales will shoot up to the top of the best seller list...

Being a university student is such a contradition of ideals and actualities. At the moment, all at once, I am...

- reading Cosmo
- researching the effects of eugenic gene therapy
- watching Charlie's Angels II
- identifying the literary techniques used by Oscar Wilde in The Importance of Being Earnest
- scanning through my new lens manual
- and eating 3 day old left over chinese food


Unknown said...

HA! I love it! At the moment I am changing into my pajamas, finishing a bio lab, talking on the phone to book a bus ticket home for the weekend and reading your blog.

Jane said...

Happy Belated Birthday friend!!!!!!! You are wise beyond your years. Perhaps something will be coming your way in the mail very soon...

Anonymous said...

Things don't change much when you're out of school :) I'm in my pajamas, studying for my First Aid exam, burning CD's to iTunes, reading your blog, and playing with my dog. Multi-tasking/procrastinating is for LIFE!

Happy B-day again amigo!
